Jak, Daxter és Cole McGrath is szerepelni fognak a PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale-ban

2012. július 16.
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Maniac profilja, adatai
A Sony szinte egyesével kívánja leleplezni a megjelenésig a PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale játszható karaktereit, így a Comic Con ideje alatt lehullt a lepel három vadonatúj harcosról.

Ennek fényében immáron biztosra vehetjük, hogy a Super Smash Bros-höz kísértetiesen hasonlító videojátékban a választható harcosok között lesz Cole McGrath az Infamous-ból, illetőleg Jak és Daxter is, akiket vélhetően nem igazán kell bemutatnunk a PlayStation konzolok szerelmeseinek.

A korábban egyszerűen Title Fight címmel készült videojátékhoz a múltban egyébiránt már számtalan karakter bejelentésre került, így hivatalos formában Nathan Drake és Snake, de Kratos, Parappa, Fat Princess, Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth és még Colonel Radec is komoly esélyesnek tűnik a harcosok között.

Ha tehát mindig is arra vágytunk, hogy egymásnak engedjük a Sony konzoljának néhány ikonikus karakterét, akkor október magasságában elérkezik az idő, a PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale ugyanis ekkor fog felkerülni a boltok polcaira, kizárólag PlayStation 3-ra.
4 hozzászólás


12 éve, 7 hónapja és 27 napja

As far as Nintendo's exclusives go, I think after a ceritan point of milking they deserve to be commended. I mean the fact that Mario and Zelda are as popular as they are now, after like 20 years, only proves their timelessness. My Folklore teacher was told us a few months ago that very few people have actually created something completely new and innovative (in terms of story mostly). Mario and Zelda have, in my eyes, pretty much the same story. A lost princess that a hero must save. TBH i think out of all three of the consoles Nintendo is the only company that actually has timeless characters. We can argue that Sony and MS do too, but none of theirs are anywhere near as well known. Don't say Drake, or Crash, or Jak, or Master Chief, or whoever the main dude from Gears is (I think its something Felix but I might be wrong) .they are popular sure, but you could very easily go up to someone and realize that they don't know one of the characters mentioned above.I don't think MS or Sony or Nintendo is milking their franchise. It would be stupid business practice to be sitting on a popular franchise that could make you millions and decide that you'd rather do something else. It is honorable, sure, but foolish nonetheless. Plus these long lasting franchises are what keep fans loyal to a single company.As much as I love the PS3, I have to confess that I had originally bought the console because I imagined Jak and Kingdom Hearts on the PS3 and wanted to make sure that I had the console to play them on when they released. I have yet to see either. It's not that big of a deal as I fell in love with many new series, but it also made me realize that I shouldn't go for the PS4 just because I want to play the current generation franchises on the newer system because now I know that I won't always be getting those franchises back. Of course, I will probably end up sticking with Sony, but it isn't because I want to play Uncharted in even better graphics (well I do want to but I won't get my hopes up like last time).Nintendo on the other hand is basically guaranteed to have at least a bazillion Mario and Zelda games. I don't really care about those two franchises too much cuz I never got into them, but I imagine they love the fact that they can always count on new games. I WISH Jak and KH were still releasing on newer systems.While we play amazing HD Remakes of our favorite games (not a problem imo but still ) Nintendo fans get new games and sequels. I love PS3 and 360 games (I don't have 360 so idk too much about its games but i'm assuming) for their amazing and complex stories and technological advancements and the possibilities. If I liked Nintendo, it would probably be because of Mario and Zelda and Pokemon.VN:R_U [1.9.12_1141](from 3 votes)

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12 éve, 9 hónapja és 10 napja

Na ez azért elég gáz szerintem...wtf smiley

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12 éve, 9 hónapja és 10 napja

Hát egyre érdekesebb karakterek tűnnek fel...

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